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In this area are compiled reports that may or may not be linked to the legal proceedings contained in this page, as well as any other information that affects the climate of impunity or justice surrounding crimes against journalists.
2012 - 11 - 11
El Día

Juan de la Maguana.-A pesar de su corto tiempo de fundado, el Museo Plaza Mártires Periodismo Universal, Orlando Martínez, se ha convertido en un lugar obligado de visitar entre los pobladores y los turistas que se dan cita en esta demarcación.

2012 - 11 - 7

No dia 24 de outubro a Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República (SDH/PR) publicou oficialmente a Resolução 7/2012, que cria o Grupo de Trabalho sobre Direitos Humanos dos profissionais de comunicação no Brasil.Para a FENAJ, a medida é bem vinda, mas deve ser acompanhada de outras ações.

2012 - 11 - 7
In the first nine months of 2012 UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova condemned 95 killings of journalists, media workers and bloggers, a dramatic increase compared to previous years. The 2nd UN Inter-Agency Meeting on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity will be held in Vienna (Austria) on 22 and 23 November as part of international efforts to stem this violence, which undermines the basic human right of freedom of expression in many parts of the world and restricts citizens’ ability to get the full range of independent information to which they are entitled.

2012 - 10 - 30
Jorge Antonio Hernández Silva, Notimex -

Xalapa, Veracruz.- La Procuraduría General de Justicia de Veracruz presentó a Jorge Antonio Hernández Silva, “el Silva”, como presunto responsable del asesinato de Regina Martínez Pérez, corresponsal de la revista Proceso en la entidad.

2012 - 10 - 22
Centre for Freedom of the Media/Colombo Telegraph

The Centre for Freedom of the Media and the BBC College of Journalism jointly hosted a Symposium on Media Responses to Matters of Life and Death on 18 October in the BBC’s new London Headquarters at New Broadcasting House. Senior figures from leading international media titles mostly set aside scepticism about the value of UN interventions.

2012 - 10 - 19

The Supreme Court of Chile authorized a request for the United States to extradite an ex-military officer accused of killing two U.S. journalists in the South American country, reported the AFP news agency. Both reporters died in 1973, during the early days of the Pinochet dictatorship.

2012 - 10 - 18
La Prensa,

Luego de conocer las pruebas presentadas por la Fiscalía contra el Crimen Organizado y del abogado defensor, un juez nacional determinó este jueves someter a juicio oral y público a los integrantes de la banda “Los Osorio”, acusados de secuestro agravado en contra del periodista Alfredo Villatoro.

2012 - 10 - 12
Clarinha Glock, URR-Brasil

São Paulo - A situação do repórter André Caramante, do jornal Folha de S. Paulo, que teve de sair do país devido a ameaças contra sua vida, está gerando uma onda de protestos e preocupação por parte dos jornalistas e entidades de direitos humanos de todo o país.

2012 - 10 - 11

La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos condenó al Estado colombiano por las agresiones que cometieron miembros de las Fuerzas Militares contra el camarógrafo Richard Vélez en 1996 y por las posteriores amenazas que lo obligaron a exiliarse junto con su familia en Estados Unidos.

2012 - 9 - 28

GINEBRA (EFE). El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU aprobó ayer una resolución en la cual pide a los gobiernos investigar los ataques contra periodistas y facilitar su labor en la cobertura de conflictos y otras situaciones violentas.

2012 - 9 - 25
Silvia Higuera/ZD, Journalism in the Americas

On Friday, Sept. 21, the Colombian government began consulting journalists who were victims of the armed conflict to identify proposals and strategies for their collective reparation, according to the Unit for the Care and Reparation of Victims" website. Reparations will be awarded under the guidelines outlined in the Victims and Land Restitution Law, the website noted.

2012 - 9 - 24

La Embajadora de Guatemala ante la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en Ginebra, Suiza, Carla Rodríguez, informó que Guatemala copatrocinará la resolución que han propuesto Austria y Bolivia, sobre apoyar la iniciativa de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) sobre seguridad para los periodistas.

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