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Nelson Carvajal Carvajal
April 16, 1998

Case: Nelson Carvajal Carvajal

Journalist with Radio Sur, Pitalito, Huila.

Circumstances:   (+)

As he was getting on his motorcycle after coming out of a school of which he was the principal and where he taught a hit man shot him seven times and then fled on a motorcycle.

Sentences:   (+)

Sentences reversed and acquittals:   (+)

On December 15, 2000 the Specialized Court of Neiva acquitted Fernando Bermúdez, the alleged mastermind; and Víctor Félix Trujillo and Alfonso Quintero Alvarado, alleged perpetrators. The Attorney General’s Office appealed the acquittal, which was upheld by the Neiva District High Court on April 8, 2001 “with the clarification that the acquittal is in order due to the clear demonstration of the innocence of the accused.”

Prisoners sentenced:   (+)

Released / Sentence commuted:   (+)

Fernando Bermúdez was ordered held in custody, where he remained for 31 months, then following acquittal was released.

Víctor Félix Trujillo and Alfonso Quintero Alvarado were ordered held in custody and after being acquitted were released.

Jailed awaiting trial:   (+)

Marco Fidel Collazos and Ramiro Falla Cuenca, initially linked to the crime, were held in preventive custody, this order later being overturned and they were released, the investigations against the two then ending.

Suspects not charged:   (+)

Fugitives:   (+)

Notes:   (+)

On December 14, 2005 representatives of the IAPA and the government began an “amicable agreement” process promoted by the IACHR.

On June 21, 2002 the case was submitted by the IAPA to the IACHR. Case No. 12.462.

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