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Samuel Román
April 20, 2004

Case: Samuel Román

Everything seems to indicate that the murder of Samuel Román is politically motivated:

Mayo 13, 2004
By Clarinha Glock

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Everything seems to indicate that the murder of Samuel Román, host of the radio program “La voz del pueblo” (The Voice of the People), is politically motivated, believes José Roberto da Silva, 31 years old, and his colleague at Conquista FM Radio. The station is located in Coronel Sapucaia, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, on the Paraguayan border.

Román was killed on the evening of April 20 when he was returning home in the city center. Regarding the motives of the murder, Ivan Barreira, head of the Armed Rescue and Repression of Assaults and Kidnappings Group (Garras), in charge of investigations, prefers not to divulge any information yet. “The area is complicated. We are trying to use caution and find the perpetrators,” he stated. Barreira believes that the investigation will continue until May 21.

The region is the scene of weapons and drug trafficking. Threats and murders are common, as well as fear of witnesses and the ease of fleeing into the border area between the two countries, which leads to impunity for criminals. But the proximity to elections for mayor and commissioner in October 2004 and the sketchy background of radio professionals, who work as journalists and also politicians cannot be discarded either and, thus, Barreira is considering several leads.

According to the official, other people are being questioned, besides the three Brazilians who were thrown in jail the first week of the investigation for being suspects in participating in the murder, although police have not confirmed this.

After announcing Román’s murder, newspapers in Brazil and Paraguay reported that the probable cause would be denouncements made about drug trafficking. But, according to radio producer and sounds person, Nélio Júnior, Román never spoke on the program about the problems of drug trafficking. “He only wanted better healthcare, education, and food for the poor,” she said. Reporter Da Silva confirmed this statement.

Román was accustomed to using his airtime on the radio to denounce irregularities made by the mayor, who belongs to a different political party than Román. During his last program presented last Tuesday - shortly before being killed -, Román insisted one more time that the Justice Department should investigate these irregularities so that the mayor could not run for reelection in this year’s elections. He accused him of stealing money from public funds.

Even Román thought of running for commissioner. He kept his job as director and radio talk show host while serving as first assistant to the commissioner from the Democratic Labor Party (PDT). He was also the PDT’s secretary in the city. Eight months before his murder, he had purchased Conquista FM Radio. Previously, and with the same news style as “La voz del pueblo,” he worked at 103 FM Radio and hosted a television program on Channel 9, both in Paraguay. He was also an advisor to state legislator, Ari Rigo (PDT). The IAPA attempted to contact Roman’s partner at Conquista FM Radio, Silvia Jiménez, but she did not respond to requests for an interview.

Román, originally from Arai Moreira, a city located 75 kilometers from Coronel Sapucaia, was very popular in the area because since he was 14 years old he organized parties to raise funds to give out gifts on Christmas, Childrens Day, and Mothers Day. “He only had one fault, helping people,” said Da Silva, his colleague at the radio station.

Neither Da Silva, nor Nélio remembered hearing Román complain about threats. However, two years ago, he was a target of shots fired after hosting a television program in which he denounced problems in city government.

After the murder, Da Silva, who fears for his life, continues to host the program and remains advisor to the PDT and press advisor to the City Legislature of Coronel Sapucaia. He said that recently, one day that he said that he would be on the radio, security guards at the station were tackled by armed men.

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